Sunday, March 18, 2012

Stationery card

Big One Blue Birthday Invitation
Shop for special Birthday wishes at
View the entire collection of cards.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Pumpkins and Halloween:

I have been slacking on the blog lately, but here is little recap of some fun things we did this month!

We took Carson to the pumpkin patch to pick his first pumpkin, well he didn't really do any picking.
It was a fun little pumpkin patch in Riverton, they had quite the selection of pumpkins to choose from.
Carson and Barak on the tractor....
Sitting with the pumpkins.....
Happy Boy....
What are these things....?

Barak and I celebrated our 2 year anniversay on Monday the 17th. We didn't do anything special this year. We went to dinner at The Old Spaghetti Factory, and of course Carson came with!
The weekend before Halloween we carved our pumpkins.

Carson waiting for grandpa to carve his pumpkin.
Barak cleaning out his pumpkin guts... 
Carson still holding his pumpkin...
Mommy and Carson!

Here are the finished pumpkins:
Carson's Pumpkin
Barak's Pumpkin
My Pumpkin


Halloween turned out to be a fun day! The weather was so nice, we have not had weather like this for years.
Carson was a puppy, and I was a Vet (Carson was my puppy patient). We had pizza at my moms, and went trick or treating in her neighborhood. Miya and Adara came with us. After trick or treating we went to Springville to see Barak's parents and hang out for a bit. Overall I think Carson's first Halloween was a great one!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

New Pictures

Not much is going on around at our house. Here are a couple new pictures of Carson.


Sitting up with little help!!!

Carson's new big boy tub seat!

Look at all those toys!


Sunday, September 25, 2011


Here are a few new pictures of Carson...He is changing and growing everyday!

 He is seriously the happiest baby ever!!!

He loves to lay with his legs in the air all the time!!
He will not let go of his binky for anything!

Gotta love his eyelashes!


Solid Food Update:

We started Carson on fruits and veggies about 2 weeks ago, and he absolutely loves them! We started with pears. It took a few days for him to get used to them, but now they are his favorite.

Eating Pears!

Next we tried green beans! He HATES them. He will not eat them at all!!

Next came Squash! He LOVES SQUASH! We don't have any pictures unfortunately...
Peaches were next...He likes them, but I think they give him a belly ache. So he doesn't eat them very often.
Can you guess what was next??
CARROTS!!! He loves Carrots as much as he loves squash!

We tried applesauce this morning and he loved it! Tonight we are trying peas, hopefully he will like them. He needs to eat something in the green family! We still have sweet potatoes, and bananas to try as well!

Baby Blog Challenge!

Day 6: Details about the day you found out you were expecting??

I found out I was pregnant on August 7th, 2010! I had a stamping up party at my house that day, and afterwards I was super tired (which is unusual for me). So I decided to take a pregnancy test, and to my surprise it was positive. Barak was on the phone with Chili's ordering some food. I waved the pregnancy test in the air, and he was shocked. He had a hard time talking to the guy on the phone! It took a  few days for reality to sink in, after the shock wore off we were thrilled! I told my parents 4 weeks later, and everyone else 8 weeks after that.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


I finally found a job, and I am very excited to get started. Last week I completed training. It was a long week, I had to drive to Ogden everyday. I missed my boy so much, and I am glad I will only be working part-time.

Carson is getting so big, and really animated. He loves to touch everything he can get his little hands on. He is still a super happy baby, and so much fun to be around. He moved from rice cereal to oatmeal, and just loves it! We will be starting fruits and veggies here in a couple days! I am very excited to see his reaction. He is getting really good at sitting up, it won't be long before his sitting up on his own. Carson is still not able to roll over, but he tries really hard!

The faces of Carson!